Posted July 17, 2023 by M.S. Coyne

Too wet to cut grass this week and although the sod look s like it has plenty of tall grass, these are actually just early growing clump species – if mowing occurred it would be mostly mowing air.
But it’s never too early to plant trees. In their Spring Tree Give-Away Trees Lexington! provided an American Larch (AKA Eastern Larch, Tamarack)(Larix laricina). The American Larch is not native to Kentucky, but Section E is being filled in with a number of different types of evergreens to distinguish it from the trees in the other sections.

Several Box Elders (Acer negundo), which are members of the Maple Family (Sapidales) were placed around the storm drainage grate in Section A with the intent that in several years they will provide
shade for a bench in this location.

In the 1930’s the City of Lexington obtained an easement from the remaining members of Union Benevolent Society No. 2 to place a storm drain extending across the entire width of the cemetery. This was one of many examples of damage occurring in the cemetery due to developing neglect. By the 1930’s relatively few people were being buried in the African Cemetery No. 2.

Early April is a good time to pick up sticks in the cemetery. It’s also a good time to observe the Ground Hogs (Marmota monax) up to their old tricks. This family, beneath our heirloom Forsythia (Forsythia spp.) (the bush has been here since 1995) decided it would disturb the new Daffodil (Narcissus spp.) plantings from last November.

Remember, if you or your group would like to contribute a few hours of service maintaining African Cemetery No. 2 in 2023, please contact Mark Coyne at to plan a visit.