Posted August 25, 2023 by M.S. Coyne

Mowing and Trimming. Trimming and Mowing. That’s mostly what the work in the Cemetery has
comprised the last two weeks. Abundant rainfall and warm temperatures account for both.
The late summer-flowering plants such as the Black-Eyed Susans (Rudbeckia hirta, a member of the Aster family) and the Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia spp.) are in full bloom and some of the Daisies (Bellis perennis, also a member of the Aster family) are still hanging in.
Canna Lilies (Canna spp.) at the front gates have reached their full height but not quite flowered yet.
We had an unusual visitor during the week. Someone decided to create a campsite across the lane from the Isaac Murphy Memorial. It required a lot of effort on their part because the wood and stones had to be hauled from the debris storage in the back of the cemetery.

Please remember that overnight camping in the cemetery is prohibited. Visit often, but leave only your footprints behind so that others can appreciate the site.
During the week I was reminded of one of the more poignant markers in the cemetery – Frank Robison’s – which is in Section A next to the fence.

This illustrates the efforts people made to memorialize their friends and relations in African Cemetery No. 2 even if they seem not to have much money or education.
Remember, if you or your group would like to contribute a few hours of service maintaining African Cemetery No. 2 in 2023 (perhaps weeding), please contact Mark Coyne at to plan
a visit.
Why on earth did I ever think that a metal fence would keep out people who would dishonor this sacred space, by camping there and leaving their garbage and trash for someone else to clean. This sad! Marilyn Dishman