Posted August 14 2022 by M.S. Coyne
Last week in the Cemetery started HOT and then after some rain became QUITE PLEASANT.

A lot of things happened this past week, especially on the fence line. Edging the parkway of 7th St. was finally completed and with periodic attention won’t have to be done again for several years.
A raggedy and shady grass patch under a Red Maple (Acer rubrum) in Section A was mulched with some of the wood chips we have accumulated. This was for two reasons: to protect any exposed roots from damage by mowing; to facilitate mowing by covering unsightly areas with permanent mulch.

Another example of using mulch to protect roots and minimize mowing was an unsightly patch beneath a Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) in Section D. This spot is notable because the family of Albert King is buried here. King was one of the Trustees of Union Benevolent Society No. 2, which purchased the original property in 1869. You’ll notice that several of the markers have fallen, and at least one will need to be slightly relocated because it is pressing up against the tree trunk (which likely caused it to fall in the first place).

Part of the week was spent clearing invasive Bush Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) from the perimeter fence in Section D. This invasive thrives as an understory shrub, and when it pokes through the fence from surrounding properties it causes problems. Unfortunately, the amount of debris it produces when cut meant that Lexington’s prettiest landscaping debris pile was once more filled with piles of branches waiting to dry, be chipped, or composted.

The warm moist weather has been great for the grass and within a week of cutting it was time to mow the cemetery again. The day after mowing always looks a little messy.

But as the grass dries and disperses, the appearance dramatically improves.

Saturday brought several surprises. One of the Black Walnuts in Section E dropped a large branch that will have to be sawn up and moved to the landscaping pile. (Yet more debris!) But it means some nice-looking new wood will be available.

A new shrub planted last year by Hoe ‘N Hope Garden club has started to flower and looks like it will have an impressive display of white flowers. Look for it on the driving lane between Sections E and F.
Speaking of Hoe ‘N Hope Garden Club, Saturday was one of their monthly work days. This week they trimmed and pruned the Crepe Myrtles (Lagerstroemia spp.) that line the driving lanes leading into the
cemetery. The Crepe Myrtle are now in full bloom. For some historical perspective, these were some of
the first landscaping plants put into the cemetery by Thomas Mundy, who along with Bruce Mundy and Jim Embry initiated efforts to revitalize African Cemetery No. 2 in 1995. So, they have been around a long time.

Next week we’ll be visited by a UK campus group as school begins again. IHRC, which is the Living and Learning Community at UK for Health Sciences will be in African Cemetery No. 2 from 10-12 doing a bit of landscaping and cleaning. They’ll have a special presentation from Yvonne Giles on “Early African
American Providers of Social and Health Care.”
Also, put Saturday, August 27 on your calendar. Trees Lexington will be giving a tree pruning workshop in the cemetery from 9-11 AM.
Remember that if you or your group would like to contribute a few hours of service maintaining African Cemetery No. 2, please contact Mark Coyne at to plan a visit.
As always, feel free to visit African Cemetery No. 2 any time.
