Posted July 5, 2023 by M.S. Coyne

Derby Week! That means the cemetery was mowed and trimmed in advance of our very first Derby Day
Tour on Saturday May 6.
As far of the rest of the cemetery we did what we good to have are landscaping debris and other
landscaping supplies organized as neatly as possible.
The back of the cemetery is actually the original front. It was faced by Stroud Street, which was replaced by the Beltline Railroad (track now owned by the RJ Corman Railroad) and caused the cemetery
entrance to be relocated to 7 th Street. The houses you see in the back all face Louden Avenue. Because this is the oldest part of the cemetery, it has some of the most mature trees. In this picture, from left to right, we see the following species:
Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)
Osage Orange (Maclura pomifera)
Northern Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)
Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)
Northern Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)

(A View of Mature Trees Surrounding Our Landscape Debris Pile and Nursery)
Remember, if you or your group would like to contribute a few hours of service maintaining African Cemetery No. 2 in 2023, please contact Mark Coyne at to plan a visit.