Posted July 3, 2023 by M.S. Coyne
There was not much going on in African Cemetery No. 2 this week. It was very dry.
There is an annual flag placement for all veterans buried in African Cemetery No.2 that occurs on the Saturday before Memorial Day. Military graves are marked by Irises (Iris spp.), which is a very old tradition.
There are several non-military markers that also have Irises. This is because these veterans chose to use a personal marker, but we have their military service records.
(The Non-Military Marker for Charles Braxton and its New Iris)
Flowers planted around some of the jockey graves are in great form as we move away from Derby Week. Note the new information plaques installed.
(The Grave of Oliver Lewis – 1st KY Derby Winner)
(The Grave of Soup Perkins – Youngest KY Derby Winner)
In the only bit of landscaping news, a few new hickories were planted to continue diversifying our tree species. Unfortunately, before their protective covers were put up they were chewed to the nubs by critters. Hopefully a few secondary shoots will appear with time. It’s never a good idea to give up on trees too quickly; they are more resilient than you think.
(A Newly Planted Pecan Chewed to Bits)
Remember, if you or your group would like to contribute a few hours of service maintaining African Cemetery No. 2 in 2023, please contact Mark Coyne at to plan a visit.