Posted October 31, 2022 by M.S. Coyne

Last week in the African Cemetery No. 2 remained COLD and DRY.
The landscaping season is rapidly drawing to a close and this past Friday was the last mow of the season. The mower is at the shop getting Spring service and will get put to bed for a long winter nap later in the week. There wasn’t much grass to mow because of the dry conditions, which means the turf will look fairly neat throughout winter

The Red Maple (Acer rubrum) in the front of Section A by 7th Street is looking spectacular right now.

Before mowing, we planted the last of the free trees we received during Tree Week. Here are examples of a Pecan (Carya illinoinensis) planted in Section E

and a Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii) planted in Section A

There are over 200 trees planted in the cemetery right now (to be more precise, about 270)
In about 5 years look to see some robust-looking trees as our smaller saplings begin to grow. Most every tree, except for the largest, have an identifying tag attached to them.
Next week we have our last Service Event of the Season when UK Pharmacy comes to perform some general maintenance and cleaning up. Our last event will be a Veteran’s Day Celebration on November
6th. Location TBA.
Remember that if you or your group would like to contribute a few hours of service maintaining African Cemetery No. 2, please contact Mark Coyne at to plan a visit. We’ll be open for
groups to work again in Spring 2023.
But, as always, feel free to visit African Cemetery No. 2 any time.